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为确保高效的回收过程,我们只使用 BottleBank 蓝色袋子 在接受可回收物品时。这些特别设计的包配有独特的二维码,每次您寄出时,我们的同事都会扫描这些二维码,因此我们可以确保您获得应得的 CRV 退款。你每次都能拿到这些包 participating grocery stores, but availability may vary. Please make sure you only use these BOTTLEBANK blue bags when recycling with us.

How can I access the balance remaining in my previous account on the old system?

As of July 1, 2024, BOTTLEBANK has launched a new mobile app. If your previous account still holds a balance, you may withdraw your funds via the former app or at the physical kiosk located at Our Planet Recycling, 445 Bayshore Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94124, open Monday through Saturday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Please note that this option is available only until October 31, 2024.

After November 1, 2024, access to the previous mobile app and kiosk for fund transfers or withdrawals will no longer be available. Customers with updated mailing addresses will receive a check by mail. For those needing assistance, you may contact the former Customer Service team toll-free at 833-732-6885 between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm daily to request a check.

California Unclaimed Property Law requires business entities to transfer inactive funds to the State Controller’s Office (SCO). For more information, visit the California SCO’s website.

什么是 CRV?

CRV 代表加州兑换价值,这是您在加利福尼亚州每次购买装在可回收容器中的饮料时支付的一小笔费用。如果您下载我们的 BottleBank CA 应用程序,您将获得有关如何回收这些容器以及如何收回这笔小额费用所需的所有信息,从而毫不费力地将垃圾变成金子。


最简单的决定方法是简单地检查铝瓶、玻璃瓶或塑料瓶的外部,看看上面是否印有 “加州现金退款” 或 “加州CRV退款” 信息。如果有,你可以按类型对它们进行分类,把它们放进你的 BottleBank 袋子里,然后把它们放下。但是,请注意,新增内容可能要到2025年7月1日才有标签。欲了解更多详情,请查看 我们的指南 在符合条件的物品上。

How does redemption work?

With BOTTLEBANK® It's simple - just download the NEW app, collect your bottles and cans in our special bag, take them to the nearest BOTTLEBANK® recycling point and get your bags scanned. You'll receive your CRV funds electronically within 72 hours.

我怎样才能找回我的 CRV?


Do I have to separate the containers by type?

No, we also accept bags with mixed materials,so you don't have to separate your bottles and cans if you don't want to.

我在哪里可以买到 BottleBank 包包?

你可以在每个下车地点以及旧金山各地的参与商店找到它们。查看我们的清单 地点 看看哪一个离你最近。

Can I crush the plastic bottles and aluminum cans?

Yes, with the new BOTTLEBANK you can crush them. This way you can fit in more bottles and cans in every bag.


只需打开您的 BottleBank CA 应用程序,在其内置地图上查看哪个下车地点对您来说最方便,您就可以开始了。

Is the BOTTLEBANK® service free?

Enjoy a waived $0.25 bag processing fee until January 1, 2025!




如果是铝制或塑料容器,一个人每天的托运量不得超过 25 磅。玻璃容器的每日限额为每人 250 磅。

版权所有 © 2024,InnovaBin Inc. 保留所有权利。
BOTTLEBANK is a registered trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office owned by Our Planet Recycling SF LLC